Liberty Boat

Liberty Boat

By:  Garland Davis


The sailor sits at the head of the pier,

A desolate wayfarer lost and alone,

Forsaken, forlorn, no shipmates to toast,

Outcast, destitute, far from ship and home.


Why does he sit there, clouds around him?

Secluded, outcast no ship for a home,

But arise and look seaward for a glimpse of gray,

He’ll find welcome there, no longer sad and alone.


The light catches the masts, signal flags flying,

From the ship comes, a ride to rest and home,

No longer does he feel a lonesome feeling

The liberty boat comes to take a sailor home.


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A native of North Carolina, Garland Davis has lived in Hawaii since 1987. He always had a penchant for writing but did not seriously pursue it until recently. He is a graduate of Hawaii Pacific University, where he majored in Business Management. Garland is a thirty-year Navy retiree and service-connected Disabled Veteran.


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