

By: Garland Davis

The pious Christian will tell you that his exemplary life will lead to Heaven,

The Sunday Christian hopes that his pretense at being pious keeps him from Hell,

The non-believer says that the chances of either existing are even,

The Devil worshiper dreams of an eternity with his like down Satan’s well,

A sailor knows that somewhere beneath the waves lies Davy Jones’ Locker,

And a future with old shipmates at Fiddler’s Green beats the hell out of, well, Hell

But those of us who served on the Far East Station steaming old worn out iron,

Know that, in the end, all good Asia Sailors go to the reunion at Branson.


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A native of North Carolina, Garland Davis has lived in Hawaii since 1987. He always had a penchant for writing but did not seriously pursue it until recently. He is a graduate of Hawaii Pacific University, where he majored in Business Management. Garland is a thirty-year Navy retiree and service-connected Disabled Veteran.


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